The Digital Me

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11

Although I doubt I will maintain my LibraryThing account, it is an interesting concept. I can understand the attraction to folks who are Internet and blog focused. Overall, it is rather intuitive and I had to check the help files only once (although I did not actually find an answer to my question). The one weakness I see in LibraryThing is that you are not always guarenteed to find the edition of a title that you actually have in your collection. (Maybe with a bit more searching on my part, it would have been possible. Who knows?) This is probably not a big deal for someone who is looking for a casual way to share their book shelves with the world, but it would not serve the needs of a serious collector (I'm not one). Maybe that is asking too much, but I couldn't help noticing.

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